
Calcite, Pyrite and Fluorite Villabona - Asturias M03717

Calcite, Pyrite and Fluorite Villabona - Asturias M03717
Calcite, Pyrite and Fluorite Villabona - Asturias M03717 Calcite, Pyrite and Fluorite Villabona - Asturias M03717
Product Code: M03717
Weight: 180.00g
Dimensions (L x W x H): 85mm x 40mm x 50mm
Availability: In Stock
Price: 55.00€
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A floater and completelly crystallized specimen, featuring honey yellow Fluorite crystals almost fully covered by golden and

intense lustrous micro-crysals of Pyrite, over wich are settled white Calcite crystals.


Origin Mina Villabona, Llanera, Asturias, Spain
Largest crystal Calcite: 20mm Fluorite: 10mm
Associated minerals Calcite, Pyrite, Fluorite
Desarrollado por Katubit