
Calcite and Fluorite La Viesca M04587

Calcite and Fluorite La Viesca M04587
Calcite and Fluorite La Viesca M04587 Calcite and Fluorite La Viesca M04587 Calcite and Fluorite La Viesca M04587 Calcite and Fluorite La Viesca M04587
Product Code: M04587
Weight: 2,766.00g
Dimensions (L x W x H): 160mm x 90mm x 160mm
Availability: In Stock
Price: 460.00€
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Group of intense luster, completely transparent and pale blue color (better on hand than on photos) Fluorite crystals of stepped

edges, settled in matrix and accompained by white Calcite scalenohedral crystals.

Specimen crystallized on backside too and better on hand than in photos.


Origin La Viesca Mine, La Collada, Pola de Siero, Asturias, Spain
Largest crystal Fluorite: 38mm Calcite: 80mm
Associated minerals Calcite, Fluorite, Chalcopyrite
Desarrollado por Katubit